We are taking home a new puppy in a couple of weeks and I am equal parts excited and terrified. It has been a long time since we have had a puppy in the house, and I have a distinct memory of it being a lot of work. However, I also remember all the rewards….the warm puppy snuggles, the sweet innocence of a dog, and the infinite amount of love they give. This has made me reflect on and remember our last dog, Sophie, who was a wonderful pet and a beloved member of our family. She gave us a lot of love and joy through the years, and she also taught me many life lessons and for that, I will be forever grateful to her.

I learned that having a perfectly clean and tidy house is not the most important thing in the world. Muddy paw prints and a few (thousand!) dog hairs are a small price to pay to be greeted each day at the door with an excited wag and a toothy smile. You sure miss those paw prints and dog hairs when they are gone.

Dogs teach us about unconditional love. Sophie loved us through hard times, grumpy moods and lazy days. She had total faith and trust in us that we would always do right by her and take care of her. It was an honour.

I came to appreciate the simple things when viewed through the lens of my dog….a walk on a crisp fall day, the shady spot under the maple tree, and the joy of an unexpected treat. If people embraced the world like dogs do, I think we would find more joy in every day things.

She taught me about the beauty in an old dog. Puppies are irresistible and full of energy, but nothing quite compares to the quiet, faithful companionship of an old dog with a little grey in her muzzle. She has seen you through good times and bad, and has never wavered from your side.

As we embark on this new adventure with this new puppy, I will cherish the memories and life lessons that Sophie left with me. I am confident this new little life will bring us happiness and new memories, and perhaps teach me a few new life lessons along the way.