The Scenic Route

I have always loved the simple pleasure of going for a drive…just jumping in the car and hitting the open road with no particular destination in mind. I have also always loved to explore this beautiful corner of the world I call home, where there are endless scenic vistas and where every road seems to lead to the shore.

As a child, there was no sweeter delight than going for a drive with my father. Often times, it was just a routine trip to the harbour to give the boat a last once-over before nightfall. My father would check the lines to make sure they were secure and holding fast. He would turn the key to start the engine and I could feel it rumble to life beneath my feet. I have always loved the harbour at dusk. There was a quiet stillness to the place that belied the labour and hustle of the day. The sound of the water lapping against the hull of the boat was broken only by the indignant cries of the seagulls we disturbed.

Occasionally, he and I would slip away by ourselves and go exploring. We would climb in the old red station wagon and set off. There were endless little dirt roads that lead to the unknown and we traveled a lot of them, leaving a cloud of red dust in our wake. Somehow, the fisherman in my father always steered us towards one harbour or another, like a compass pointing north. We would get out to stretch our legs and inspect the local fleet of boats . I would admire the colorful cabins and the clever names on the boats, but always come to the conclusion that my father’s boat was the best.

Back in the car, we would find our way to a local country store in search of refreshments. I can still taste the delicious, tangy flavour of the orange popsicle I would choose. I would roll down my window and feel the warm heat of the sun on my face as we turned our vehicle towards home. The rolling hills and red-tilled fields would roll past my window like a moving picture, as my sleepy eyes struggled to take it all in.

We have come full circle these days, Dad and I. Now I am the captain steering our ship and he the passenger, watching with childlike wonder to see what beautiful scene will appear over the next hill or around the next corner. He makes me slow down and appreciate the little things…..the beauty of the clouds in the sky, the excitement of seeing the horses running in the field or the mouthwatering delight of a delicious cone of ice cream.

These days you can often find us meandering down some road or another, not sure where it will lead us, but enjoying the ride. I am not sure how many miles we have left to travel together….I hope there are many. In the meantime, we are busy making plans for new adventures and taking the scenic route whenever we get the chance.


  1. Sandra

    Wonderfully written! Going for a drive with no destination, no rush, just appreciating what you see is one of my favorite things to do. You are so fortunate you can experience that joy with your dad.

  2. Jennifer Dunn-Doxtater

    Beautiful Kim! It brought a little tear to my eye. Its always the little things that bring us the most Joy. Take care & keep writing!

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